As a reviewer, my goals were very simple: to thoughtfully reflect my views on a book and my reading experience. When Goodreads customer service opened a thread in the feedback group titled Announcements: Important Note Regarding Reviews (, I was seriously disturbed.
I've bought into the idea that the personal is political, and I incorporate it, when appropriate, into my reading and thus my reviews. Some authors are content to release their books into the world and let them develop a life of their own. Others leverage their social power into political power, using their artistic voice to make comments in the political arena. For the most part, I've only followed or heard from authors I've loved, so it was natural to me to focus on the positives. But as I grew more widely read and the barriers between authors and readers have melted down on Goodreads, I've come to realize there are authors I want to avoid as well, some because of their public persona, some because of boorish behavior in groups. I never set out to castigate most of them in public (there were a few, I admit), but I reserve that right to discuss it in my notes on reads or books.
The most secretive organization in America operates without any accountability to the American people. Hiding in the shadows, pretending to be a part of the United States government, its power is beyond measure.
"What can I do?" asked Harvath.
"Do you have any forensics experience?"
He shook his head. "Not much."
"Then I have the perfect job for you," she replied. "Go out to the car and bring those two Rubbermaid bins in."
"Then what?"
"Then you're really going to prove your worth to this investigation."
"How?" he asked.
"You're going to find us coffee somewhere in this neighborhood."
She ran through her mind the long list of people around the world she had pissed off badly enough to want to come get her. The fact that the attack had been carried out by two young Caucasians worried the hell out of her, as it could very well be an Islamic operation. As box-of-rocks stupid as so many Muslim foot soldiers were, the men in the organizational structures of the more aggressive terror organizations tended to be rather intelligent. If one of those groups had the wherewithal to track her down like this, they'd never be dumb enough to send a Muslim man, or even a Muslim woman to lure her out of her apartment. The minute she saw either on her doorstep, her antennae would be up. The tipsy blonde with the fender-bender story was the perfect ploy.
I don't really care about the little guy. I just hate the big guy. I hate big smug people who think they can get away with things.
Two explosive shells hit Angelo Debelligofaci in the side and exploded like loud firecrackers. Three punched into Santo the Animal. Three more loud bangs and the Animal fell apart--one arm blown off, a foot of ropy gray-white intestine hanging out his belly like a German sausage. Debelligofaci wasn't any better off. He crashed dead to the floor, four bloody rib ends sticking out.
Bocca--an ugly slob who resembled a good-looking orangutang--loved big cars, black women, and fancy underwear. He also loved life. He lost all four within the twinkling of half a dozen explosions that blew apart his head and tore off both arms.
The three Mafia gunmen died quicker than it takes a judo expert to mug a midget.
The area behind the partition resembled high noon at wrecksville!
Shit fire and honeysuckle!
When his parents were slaughtered by the Mafia, something snapped inside Johnny Rock's head. From that moment on he became a relentless killing machine, programmed to seek out and destroy the mob.
Charging like an enraged beast, using both his erect thumbs like daggers, Rock gouged the man's eyes, twisting his thumbs, jabbing them until blood poured.
Then he pulled out his Beretta and shot him dead.
"That takes care of that," he said under his breath to Mimi.
"Listen, you cocksuckin' motherfuckers, when I fuckin' tell you to break that fucker's ass, I don't mean no tomorrow. You shits listenin' to me?"